Medical Nutrition – A Global Market Overview

” Medical Nutrition – A Global Market Overview” reviews and analyses the worldwide market for medical nutrition products for the global and the regional markets including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Rest of World. The regional markets further analyzed for 15 independent countries across North America – the United States, Canada and Mexico; Europe – Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe; Asia-Pacific – Japan, China, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific; South America – Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America. This 387 page global market report includes 180 rich data tables, supported with meaningful and easy to understand graphical presentation, of market numbers. The statistical tables represent the data for the global market value by geographic regions, product segments/sub-segments. This market report covers the brief business profiles of 25 key global players and 46 major players across North America – 28; Europe – 12; and Asia-Pacific – 6. The report also provides the listing of the companies that are engaged in manufacturing, research and development, processing, supplies and distribution of Medical Nutrition products.
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Mandaluyong City ‘CROWNed’ for its outstanding nutrition program

Carmelita Abalos, with the support and cooperation of the 27 barangay nutrition committees have developed a package of nutrition interventions enhanced by innovation and best practices led to its winning the CROWN award this year. The Mandaluyong CNC, with the support of the City Council that approved the Php 57 million allocation for the following nutrition related interventions made the award possible: Breastfeeding Patrol (BFP) and ERPATS for Breastfeeding one of the first ever initiatives in the country that promote, protect and support breastfeeding in every household. The Breastfeeding Patrol is a community support group in a barangay, composed of mothers with successful breastfeeding experience who have undergone training on counselling skills to provide correct and adequate information for mothers with breastfeeding issues. To date, the city has 320 BFP members who assisted barangay health and nutrition volunteers, counseled 3,700 lactating mothers and ultimately improved the citys exclusive breastfeeding rate to 93%. The ERPAT or Empowerment Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities and Trainings, moreover, targeted fathers to provide the needed support to wives and other female relatives in their journey to successful breastfeeding.
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Nutrition Classes may Impact Health Behaviors in Lower Income Population

Nutrition Classes may Impact Health Behaviors in Lower Income Population

Increased knowledge and behavioral changes in a low-income population of women may help narrow inequalities in health, based on socioeconomic status. “Ultimately, this study points to the efficacy of experiential learning in promoting knowledge acquisition and behavioral changes after education on a spectrum of nutrition topics in a short time frame, because it promotes immediate processing of information via stimulation of the senses,” comments Dr. Smith. Although the investigators demonstrated positive effects, Dr. Smith acknowledges that they do not know if the results will be sustained. However, she believes that using a comprehensive but short intervention is worthy of expanded research interest.
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